5 Quotes & Sayings By Fernando Botero

Fernando Botero is perhaps the most famous living painter from Colombia. He is a master in the art of drawing. His work has been shown in museums and in countless exhibitions all over the world. His work has been in great demand since its inception in 1962 Read more

He has to date produced more than 10,000 drawings and his work is in the collections of many museums including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

There's nothing more superficial to do than to paint a beautiful woman. The most beautiful portraits in art were of ugly women. If you paint Brigitte Bardot, it's a disaster. Sunsets, you have to stay away from sunsets. You paint a sunset, you are in great danger. Fernando Botero
My popularity has to do with the divorce between modern art, where everything is obscure, and the viewer who often feels he needs a professor to tell them whether it's good or not. I believe a painting has to talk directly to the viewer, with composition, color and design, without a professor to explain it. Fernando Botero
All my life, my girlfriends are always skinny. Beauty in art has nothing to do with beauty in reality. Why do you like primitive art? Because there is beauty in the deformity. Sometimes paintings that people consider realistic are not at all. Raphael figures look realistic, but in real life, they were deformed. Fernando Botero
Art should be an oasis: a place or refuge from the hardness of life. Fernando Botero